About Us
Carry the Light Puts Faith Into Action
Our History
Lance and Beth Pound started Carry the Light in January 2008. Beth, a teacher, became increasingly distraught as she watched children coming to school without school supplies. She shared her concerns with Lance, who echoed similar sentiments and experiences as he worked as a general contractor.
It was at that point they decided it was time to do something to make difference…a time to carry the light.
Our Work Today
Today, Carry the Light helps meet the needs of those less fortunate. Requests often come from word of mouth. Other times, Lance or Beth discover opportunities to help others. With limited resources, Carry the Light reviews requests and helps those in the best way it can. Sometimes that help is in the form of direct donations of supplies or materials. Sometimes Carry the Light finds cash donors and then purchases supplies which are sent directly to those in need.
Our Work Tomorrow
Through its work, Carry the Light has learned that a systemic, comprehensive approach is needed to truly effect change beyond facilitating blessings. Our goal is to provide assistance that promotes independent, sustainable living. Thus, we are working to launch outcome-driven programming will help address Housing, Education, and Food Sustainability. Please explore our site to learn more!